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Airbnb Instructs Hosts to Remove Indoor Security Cameras

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Airbnb recently announced a significant update to its security camera policy, aiming to streamline regulations and prioritize the privacy of its community members. The company has decided to prohibit the use of indoor security cameras in properties listed on its platform.

Previously, Airbnb allowed indoor security cameras in specific areas such as living rooms and hallways, provided that their presence was clearly disclosed in the listings prior to booking. However, cameras were strictly forbidden in private spaces like bedrooms and bathrooms.

Juniper Downs, Airbnb’s Head of Community Policy and Partnerships, stated, “Our goal was to create new, clear rules that provide our community with greater clarity about what to expect on Airbnb. These changes were made in consultation with our guests, hosts, and privacy experts, and we’ll continue to seek feedback to help ensure our policies work for our global community.”

While the majority of properties listed on Airbnb do not currently have security cameras, the new policy is expected to impact a smaller subset of properties. Additionally, Airbnb will also be updating its policy regarding outdoor security cameras. Devices such as noise decibel monitors and doorbell cameras will remain permissible, but hosts must disclose their presence and locations before confirming bookings. Noise monitors are prohibited from recording or transmitting sound, while outdoor cameras cannot capture the interior of the house and are prohibited in outdoor showers or saunas.

These policy changes will take effect on April 30, allowing hosts sufficient time to adjust and comply with the revised regulations.

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